Compact Gc-ptr-tofms
A compact, field-deployable GC-PTR-TOFMS for the in situ monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Adding a 3rd dimension: GC Separation
Aerodyne Research offers a modular gas chromatograph (GC) with thermal desorption preconcentration (TDPC) that combines recent innovations in fast GC separation with highly selective and sensitive detection in a field-deployable package for the measurement of VOCs and OVOCs.
When considering the Compact GC-PTR-TOFMS pairing:
- GC dimension of separation = require less mass resolving power
- GC enhanced sensitivity = require less detector sensitivity
Aerodyne works with our customers to provide a GC system with a custom separation method appropriate for their analytical needs. The instrument delivers with the required capillary column installed and analytical methods pre-loaded into the Windows-based control software, for a true turn-key operation.

Compact GC-PTR-TOFMS Advantages
GC Accessories
Oxidant Scrubber / Sulfite Trap
Inline oxidant scrubber to mitigate sampling artifacts during preconcentration
TDPC-Water trap
Additional water removal pre-stage for TDPC system for high volatility species (C2-C3 non-polar species)
Additional GC column oven assembly for ARI GC
Includes: GC oven spindle, oven heaters and temperature sensors (x2), single electrical connection, pre-loaded with GC column of user’s choice, appropriate fittings for simple installation into our GC
Dual Detector Valve - Valve to Support Dual Detectors
Additional 2-position chromatography valve, upgrades Aerodyne GC to allow for the use of two detectors, fully software integrated
TERN and Tofware (Included)
Provides de-convoluted peak fitting for overlapping chromatographic peaks. Compatible for analysis of both high resolution (HR) and unit mass resolution (UMR) data.
- Field-deployable. Compact, robust design makes advanced, research-grade measurements possible in challenging and remote environments.
- Fully automated switching between GC-PTR and direct-PTR measurements, providing automated acquisition of both online isomer-resolved data without sacrificing high time resolution detection.
- Innovative ionization cell provides exceptional sensitivity and acquisition speed without humidity dependence.
- GC thermal desorption preconcentration increases system sensitivity while the GC preseparation enhances compound resolution and aids interpretation of complex spectra.
- Low detection limits: < 1 - 5 ppt (10 min) GC-PTR; 10 ppt (1 min) direct-PTR detection. Compact footprint (76 x 84 x 80 cm). Low power (< 800 W typical).
- Fully automated analysis software provides real-time processing for a faster, more efficient data output.