Soil Gas Sampling System

A flexible, field-deployable gas probe array for monitoring biogeochemical changes in ecological and agricultural research.

Real-time Soil Analysis for Trace Gas Detection

Spatiotemporal mapping of subsurface trace gases (including isotopes) and volatile organic compounds provides valuable insights into biogeochemical cycling, but very few methods measure in-situ soil gases.

Soil Gas Sampling System

A flexible, field-deployable gas probe array for monitoring biogeochemical changes in ecological and agricultural research.

The Aerodyne Gas Sampling System includes our multi-sample selector (MSS), soil probes and must be used in conjunction with an array of instruments depending on the measurements needed. These include our TILDAS instruments, the Vocus CI-TOF, and the Vocus CI-TOF with our Gas Chromatograph. The Aerodyne Field Enclosure can also be added to conduct year-round measurements (fits TILDAS instruments.)

How it works

Non disruptive soil probes collect gas samples via diffusion. Gas sample is transferred to the Multi Sample Selector (MSS) which uses multiport selector valves to connect a single analyzer to up to 16 probes!

View Accessories

Soil Gas Sampling System Accessories

Rugged, field-ready with a corrosion free design. Ideal for long-term deployments.

Soil Probes

Soil Probes

Diffusive exchange across a hydrophobic membrane

Multi Sample Selector (MSS)

Multi Sample Selector (MSS)

Automated and multiplexed sampling

Must be paired with one of these instruments

Samples are sent from the MSS to either a TILDAS or Vocus CI-TOF, depending on the desired measurements.

Get in touch to see what Aerodyne Research can do for you!