Aerodyne's Gas Chromatograph in Europe

Aerodyne Research, in collaboration with Tofwerk, deployed an Aerodyne in situ GC system coupled with a Vocus PTR-TOF-MS for the 2nd pan-European intensive measurement period (IMP) on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as part of the “EUROVOC: EUROpe-wide intensive campaign on Volatile Organic Compounds.” This initiative, organized by TFMM-EMEP, ACTRIS, and RI-URBANS, will play a crucial role in enhancing our understanding of air quality across Europe.
EUROVOC unites 45 urban and rural sites across Europe to conduct measurements of VOCs, NOX, ozone, and other pollutants. The 4-week measurement intensive aimed to gain a comprehensive understanding of VOC emissions through detailed speciation and by studying their temporal behavior through high time resolution, online, measurements. Measurement locations included near emission sources such as urban, industrial, traffic, harbor, and forest areas. These measurements were supplemented by simultaneous monitoring at regional sites.
The campaign on VOC emissions was coordinated by NILU (Chemical Coordinating Center of EMEP/CCC) and IMT Nord Europe, through its European Topic Centre for Reactive Trace Gases ACTRIS – CiGas.