Congratulations to the Aerodyne team!

Nine Aerodyne Research scientists were acknowledged by NASA for their contributions to the Boeing (NASA/DLR/FAA) EcoDemonstrator 2023 ground/flight campaign.This was a major international aviation impacts experiment, focused especially on how Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) and fuel composition changes can reduce the impact of commercial aviation on climate change.

Each scientist below received a certificate for a 2023 Associate Administrator Award for Technology and Innovation, which is considered an especially prestigious award within NASA.

Contributions to the flight campaign with the NASA SBIR water vapor sensor by:


Scott Herndon
Christoph Dyroff
Bruce Daube

Contributions to the ground-based supporting measurements by:


Ben Nault
Anandi Williams
Ed Fortner
Tim Onasch
Andy Freedman
Rick Miake-Lye

We extend our congratulations to the entire team!