During the week of June 19th, visitors from Arizona State University trained at the Aerodyne Research home office in Billerica, MA. The group included two professors (one who attended remotely) and two students, both of whom are pursuing their PhDs.
These visitors trained on an on an LToF Vocus with PTR and AIM inlets along with a liquid calibration system (LCS) and an ARI gas chromatography system. Dr. Megan Claflin trained the group on the PRT and GC while Mitch Alton conducted the AIM and LCS training.
With their new skills, this group is first planning to use the Vocus with their PTR inlet using H3O+ in order to measure isoprene fluxes in the environment. They then plan to swap to AIM and use I- CIMS to measure PFAs and their decomposition products after being heated in a furnace.
The team at Aerodyne wishes Professors Fraser and Herckes, as well as their students Aidan and Gabby the best of luck with their experiments and we hope to collaborate many more times in the future.
The Aerodyne Research Team