Aerodyne Research attended the 2023 AEESP Research and Education Conference in Boston, MA on June 20th during the Career Fair portion of the multi-day program. Northeastern University hosted the event, supported by other New England area universities.
Inside the Curry Student Center, Aerodyne employees met with students to discuss their research and future goals. Aerodyne staff shared the type of work we do from instrument development to field studies, our collaboration with universities and a general sense of our work culture.
Students were also invited to take a tour of our Mobile Laboratory which we brought to the campus. Four of our scientists were stationed outside at the lab to give visitors insight into using a mobile laboratory to make atmospheric measurements of gases and particles for various field applications. Students also learned about the infrastructure of the mobile lab, its measurement capabilities, and how various instrument run (AMS, Vocus, GC, TILDAS). Students were then invited to breath into an inlet tube and watch a live stream of CO2 mixing ratios to demonstrate our real-time data visualization capabilities. Our scientists also provided their unique perspective on mobile lab work and what it’s like to work at Aerodyne Research.

We made several connections with some possible future collaborators or employees. Aerodyne was happy to be a sponsor of this year’s event.
To find out more about the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) and their activities, visit
We made several connections with some possible future collaborators or employees. Aerodyne was happy to be a sponsor of this year’s event.
To find out more about the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) and their activities, visit